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Visit these sources to learn more about antisemitism online.

Because of the lack of awareness and education in the mainstream about antisemitism and what constitutes this form of hatred in the modern day, there is an increase in spreading these messages, and an inabiblity to understand the damage caused by reposting misinformation. Through the perusal of the following social media accounts, websites, and smaller sources, one can glean a decent understanding of just what the Jewish people are fighting for, and why it is so imperative that we stand up to antisemitism in all its forms.

Instagram Accounts to Follow

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Ysabella Hazan

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Adiel Cohen

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Rudy Rochman

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Matthew Nouriel

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Eve Barlow

Anchor 4


Bari Weiss

The Bad Optics of Fighting for your Life, an article by Bari Weiss succinctly summarizes the struggle many Jews are going through to defend their identity while remaining in intersectional spaces, especially online.


This article is a testament to the main objective of this entire website and accurately explains, in a simple and concise way, why this subject is extremely crucial to address. If you read anything on this website, let it be this article.


The top of Weiss's article that shows her intriguing byline and a photograph of missiles flying in the air


"[...] plenty of Western activists, including many who identify as journalists, have spent the past decade or so rebranding this conflict to suit the ideological fantasy world in which they operate. " - Matti Friedman, from Weiss's article

Over the course of her article, Weiss describes the anxiety-inducing scene of Jewish identity boiled down to the Israeli conflict on social media platforms. In an effort to defend and define their own identities (regardless of if Israel is even significant to a Jew's life, which it not always is), Jews across platforms are fighting to simply be heard across a cacophony of misinformation that further silences Jewish communities.


Weiss addresses a concept she dubs "The Narrative," which is essentially the Israeli- Palestinian conflict (or I/P conflict) as painted through the lens of simply good and evil, which is not only a massive injustice to the true complexities of what is currently facing the Palestinian and Israeli people, but is simply not true, as "the narrative" then serves to erase not only historical context but also amplify tensions. Weiss discusses the challenge many Jews are facing on the internet in not only facing this barrage of misinformation, but the antisemitic fallout this misinformation produces. This misinformation is carried through content like tweets, Tiktok videos, and more recently infamous, Instagram infographics.


Weiss provides examples of these posts that are shared most frequently by large activist accounts with followings higher than the entire Jewish world population. By posting misinformation on social media that casts Israel as an "evil" force in a century old conflict and conflating Israel with all Jews, Jews then in the real world face violence and threats by groups of people who believe Jews are the root problem of a complex conflict. And hopefully this doesn't need saying, but blaming a complex problem on the entirety of the Jewish people, by individuals without much context of the middle east or the I/P conflict to boot, is antisemitic.

Ellanora Lerner

In this article, Ellanora Lerner gathers a handful of Jewish activists and presents the importance of their involvement in the activist community on Instagram while giving a brief overview of what each activist posts, their activism passion, and the possible struggles each activist faces when posting or interacting with followers. Lerner also emphasizes the importance of Jewish activism online and the certain educational aspects that can be brought about by such a presence, specifically in combatting antisemitism. In one example, an activist describes a post on Israel receiving far more outreach that her other posts, and the hate she was exposed to by hundreds of people who didn't even follow her.

"Social media is a critical tool in the future of education and these creators are at the forefront of this as young Jewish educators" - Ellanora Lerner


Anti Defamation League

An in depth "report card" so to speak about antisemitism specifically online, so essentially the perfect source to fill in any background information about antisemitic incidents online in the last year. The ADL essentially conducts an investigation into this phenomenon of rising antisemitism across social media platforms, looking into topics such as why antisemitic doesn't get flagged or removed, the emphasis of addressing the posts on each platform, and to what extent each platform may foster antisemitic content in a double standard fashion. This report includes the actual report card, which synthasizes data collected about antisemitism across a variety of social media platforms, and presents which platforms are the worst and best at addressing/removing antisemitic posts.

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Anchor 6


Translate Hate Initiative

This initiative started by the American Jewish Committee exposes Jews and non-Jews alike to the truth of rising antisemitism in America, the severity of the situation, and how to recognize and take part in the push back.


First off this website includes a quiz that allows an individual to get a grasp of where there understanding currently lies about antisemitism. I think just this facet of the source is a great tool for those who aren't as familiar with antisemitism in the modern day. This source is excellent in not only introducing you but emphasizing the role of the individual reading it as active in participating to recognize and stop antisemitism. 


As you scroll there are more multimedia elements to explore that introduce even more background information. Through clear and eye-popping visuals this website emphasizes the facets of antisemitism, how it presents online through various trends and patter, and lastly how to become active in the fight against rising antisemitism.

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Anchor 8

Rudy Rochman

  • Promotes open discussion and debate as a way to educate and visits college campuses to achieve this

  • Spreads the story of the Jewish people as a way to spread awareness about the truth of Jewish activism and the Jewish people

  • futuristic visionary as it pertains to Judaism/ Jewish culture: Jews are from Judea

  • researches and brings awareness to hidden Jewish communities around the world such as the Igbo Jews of Nigeria through his project @wewereneverlost

A leader in Jewish Activism, and â€‹a prominent founder of the Jewish activism presence in online communities such as Instagram

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  • Jewish activist who emphasizes Jewish grassroots movements and the decolonization of modern Jewry

  • Founder of the Jewish decolonization movement @decolonizedjudean

  • Constantly fights against antisemitism by spreading information about who the Jewish people truly are and addressing misinformation about Jewish culture and history

  • Presents the history of the Jewish people in her posts as a form of awareness

Ysabella Hazan

Matthew Nouriel

  • Highlights the experience of Mizrahi jews on his page

  • Discusses antisemitic incidents as caused by the erasure of history and spread of misinformation

  • Emphasizes, addresses, and aims to improve the intersectionality of Jewishness, progressive activism, and LGTBTQ+ rights specifically on social

  • Promotes inclusion and the sense of pride within Jewish activists who are searching for strength in difficult, exclusionary times

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Anchor 3

Adiel Cohen

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  • Encourages unity and cooperation through every one his posts, whether it be through discussion or general support in the network of Jewish activists

  • Runs a TikTok account in which he disputers antisemitic claims and speaks up for the Jewish community 

  • Infuses humor and music into his activism as well as a deep pride for Judaism and Israel

  • Advocates for the population of Mizrahi Jews in Israel and the diaspora

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Anchor 5

Eve Barlow

  • Jewish Scottish journalist who has in recent years shifted from entertainment/music journalism to fighting against antisemitism in online spaces

  • Account is fierce in Jewish pride and not backing down from antisemites/Jew haters

  • Constantly produces articles that analyze the modern Jewish experience online as it pertains to the rise of antisemitism among progressive spaces

  • An example of how the internet can incite intense amounts of antisemitism towards someone who fights unapologetically for their cause, as Barlow was recently mass targeted on social media for being a Jewish journalist

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Anchor 7
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